Children's Strange Sleeping Habits: When to Worry?
Children's Strange Sleeping Habits: When to Worry?
The child's bedtime is one of the most important times for him, especially as it helps him grow and every mother wishes that her child will have a quiet sleep.
But children don't sleep quietly all the time, there are some habits your child may do while sleeping, some of them are normal and some may cause concern.
Here are some of your children's sleeping habits:
O sweat.
Some children sweat frequently during sleep, and night sweats during sleep often don't cause you to worry, although it is sometimes a symptom of sleep apnea. Make sure your baby wears cotton clothes and ventilates the room if he sweats too much while he is sleeping. If this sweating is accompanied by snoring or stopping to breathe during sleep, check with your pediatrician immediately.
O snoring and breathing from the mouth.
If your baby is snoring in his sleep or breathing orally, see a doctor, but if he or she does so at intervals during a cold, for example, don't worry. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers see a doctor in cases of snoring and breathing from the mouth in children because these habits can be an indicator of a child's problems such as tonsils, adenoids, etc. It's best to see your doctor for a check-up and find out why for your child's safety.
O Pause breathing when you follow your baby during sleep.
You may notice a change in the rhythm of his breathing, he may breathe more quickly for some time, slow down and then stop for seconds before the normal breathing pattern resumes. Stopping temporary breathing when accompanied by snoring may be a symptom of sleep apnea. Naturally, it's not a concern as they are natural sighs from your baby.
O Unusual sleeping conditions for some children.
They tend to change their sleeping position frequently at night and some of these conditions are unusual. But it's probably not a concern unless your child is stretching your neck while sleeping too much, studies have shown that children with sleep apnea tend to change their sleep position by stretching your neck excessively in an attempt to reopen the airway. If you suspect any sleep situation in your child, see your doctor immediately.
O grind teeth.
There are many reasons why your baby may grind his teeth while sleeping, including feeling stress, anxiety, pain caused by teething or having some kind of allergy. Grinding teeth is not usually harmful and it is advisable to check the cause of the habit and take your child to the dentist for reassurance.
O Sleep walking.
If your baby is sleeping, his eyes will be open but he is unconscious. Sleep walking is common in children 3 to 7 years old. Experts recommend taking your son to bed when he is in this condition without scaring him and trying to wake him up. This habit is due to the child's anxiety or fatigue, and children with apnea often practice it as well.
O night panic.
Some children go through night panic attacks (sleep horror), a common sleep disorder among children from 4 to 12 years of age, and occur in the form of sudden seizures after about an hour of sleep falla, the child wakes up his eyes open and has a state of fear and possibly screams and may be due to dreams Annoying, hearing horror stories or watching movies before bed and feeling unsafe. Night terrors can be avoided by taking your child to sleep early and having enough hours of sleep and if it's a frequent occurrence, see your doctor immediately.
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