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Causes of sleep walking in children and treatment.

Causes of sleep walking in children and treatment.
Causes of sleep walking in children and treatment.

Causes of sleep walking in children and treatment.

 Causes of sleep walking in children.
 Symptoms of sleep walking in children.
 When should I go to the doctor to check on the baby?
 Treatment of sleep walking in children.

 Sleep walking is more common in children than in adults, and symptoms usually appear in the baby early at night, an hour or two after going to sleep. These symptoms often disappear before your child reaches adolescence, so you know with us today the causes, symptoms and treatment of sleep walking in children.

Causes of sleep walking in children.

 Sleep walking occurs in children during the non-rapid eye movement sleep phase, which is the deepest stage of sleep, and sleep walking episodes may coincide with night panic attacks in children, due to a number of reasons, including: 
  • The child was subjected to severe psychological stress. 
  • The child can't sleep easily. 
  • The child has a fever. 
  • Disruption of your child's sleep schedules due to change of venue or travel. 
  • The child suffers from sleep-cutting. 
Sleep walking in children may be caused by diseases that affect the nature of sleep, such as: 
  • sleep breathing disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea. 
  • Infection of gastroesophageal reflux disease. 
  • Mental illnesses such as depression and associated sleep disorders. 

Symptoms of sleep walking in children. 

There are several symptoms that appear in the child, when a sleep comeoy occurs, and the seizure may last for a few minutes or last longer, including:    
  • The child would rise from his bed and wander around him. 
  • The child sat on the bed and opened his eyes. 
  • The appearance of a certain and rigid expression on the child's face. 
  • Do not respond or communicate with those around it. 
  • Difficulty waking up your baby during a sleep shift. 
  • The appearance of distraction and confusion on the child for a short time after waking up. 
  • Having problems performing daily tasks during daylight hours, due to sleep disorders. 
  • fear and extreme terror as bedtime approached. 

When should I go to the doctor to check on the baby? 

If these symptoms appear on your child accidentally, there is no concern about them, as they will soon end over time. However, there are some cases where you should take your child to your doctor: 
  • sleep walking occurs several times per night. 
  • Your child has frequent sleep walking spells once to twice a week. 
  • A child is seriously injured during his night walk while asleep. 
  • The child has excessive sleep and is unable to perform his daily tasks during daylight hours. 
  • Symptoms of sleep walking in a child in adulthood. 
  • The child continues to have sleep walking spells in the teenage years. 

Treatment of sleep walking in children.

 when the condition of sleep walking in children is occasional does not require treatment, because it ends alone without the intervention of doctors. However, if the condition is frequent and the child is at risk, there is an urgent need to take the necessary and treatment to ensure the child's safety, and the doctor's treatment includes: 
  • If sleep walking episodes are associated with the child's suffering from certain diseases, such as sleep breathing disorders, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, they should be treated first, as they will reflect on sleep walking and reduce their incidence. 
  • Wake up the expectant child, that is, the mother follows the nature of her child's sleep on a daily basis, and when she notices certain signs before the seizure begins, she tries to wake him up about 15 minutes before her for a few minutes and then leaves him to fall asleep again. 
  • Some medications that your doctor may prescribe to your child, such as benzodiazepines or some antidepressants. 
  • Hire a psychologist with experience in dealing with sleep disorders in children, to perform several relaxation and deep breathing exercises with the child to improve their sleep.

 Finally, the state of sleep walking in children is not worrying, unless it occurs frequently and continuously, and always check the symptoms that appear on your child, and do not hesitate to turn to your doctor for help and advice.

Mohamed Essa

Mohamed Essa

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