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The appropriate pregnancy time for every child.

The appropriate pregnancy time for every child.
The appropriate pregnancy time for every child.

The appropriate pregnancy time for every child.

Each family should think carefully about the ideal time that should be between each pregnancy and the other, because this may affect the health of the mother and the fetus, some studies have shown that the time between each pregnancy and the other if it is too close or too far apart, can pose health risks to both the mother and the fetus, So follow us to find out the perfect time between each load and the other. 

What are the health risks to both the mother and the fetus if the time between the two pregnancies is very close? 

Some studies have shown. If the time between the two pregnancies is less than 6 months, the mother during pregnancy may experience:  

  • Partial or total separation of the placenta from the inner wall of the uterus before birth.  
  • The mother may be exposed to premature birth.  
  • The mother may experience a rupture of the uterus during a normal delivery after a caesarean section. 
  • The mother does not take the time to recover from physical stress from her first pregnancy, for example she does not have a chance to make up for lost body stock in her first pregnancy, such as iron, calcium, etc., which can affect her health or that of her child. 

Another study showed that if the time between the two pregnancies is less than 6 months, the child may be exposed to: 
  • Risk of autism.  
  • The risk of low birth weight may increase.   
  • The small size of the baby at birth.

What are the health risks to both the mother and the fetus if the time between the two pregnancies is too far apart?

 Some research has shown that if the time between the two pregnancies is more than 5 years, the mother may be exposed to: 
  • Pregnancy poisoning «hypertension and increased protein in the urine after the 20th week of pregnancy».  
  • Difficulty giving birth. 
  • Premature birth. 

The child may be exposed to:  

  • Low birth weight.  
  • Small in size at birth. 

To date, it is not clear what caused the health problems experienced by the mother and child because of the time gap between the two pregnancies. 

What is the perfect time between each pregnancy and the other? 

Some research suggests that waiting at least 18 to 24 months, and not more than 5 years as a break time between the two pregnancies, to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications and other problems that the mother and fetus may experience, however, the determination of the time between the two pregnancies will remain a personal decision for each family, depending on several factors Nha.. The mother's health status, age, fertility, number of children, the number of children she hopes to have, social and economic conditions, and other factors according to the priorities of each family.   

Finally. You should know that even with careful planning, you can't always control the date of pregnancy,

Mohamed Essa

Mohamed Essa

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